Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Look in the Mirror

SHOCKED was the only word that came to my mind this morning when I walked passed the mirror in my office bathroom. You know those days when you start your day feelin' like a million bucks! You would never actually admit it out loud, but you are thinkin' to yourself, "Dang, I look good!" It was one of those days...

...until I walked past the mirror in the bathroom of my office.

For some crazy reason I decided to only put one earring in my ear today and had something stuck between the middle of my teeth! Although it's not the end of the world, we all know that moment in which it feels like it is! The "crawl in a hole and die" feeling. The only question that came to my mind was, "HOW LONG HAS THAT BEEN THERE!?"

I've learned a lot from moments like those; this time it was the importance of taking a look in the mirror from time to time. Often times we are completely oblivious to the way we are showing up in the World simply because we haven't taken the time to look in the mirror. We allow our intentions to carry us through the day.

Reading through some verses tonight two words stood out to me... "Examine yourself". Is my intention of reflecting Christ to the World what the World sees when they look at me? The only way to know the answer is to take a look in the mirror; to spend time studying the character of Christ and His desire for me to demonstrate that character. When I read His Word and hold it up to my face, do I see my own reflection looking back?

I wish I could answer "yes" to that question, but I must tell you that more often than not I see the missing earring and the food stuck in my teeth. My intentions are pure, yet I haven't taken the time to look and be certain I'm in alignment.

As you pass by many mirrors in life, I encourage you always to take a peek. Be certain your intentions match the way you are showing up in the World!

Chasing Him,


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