Monday, March 8, 2010

Only 1 Week Away from a New Bubble!

That's right... just when I thought I had another year to go...they change it on me! According to the "Information Sheet" I filled out today, in just one short week I will be moving to the next bubble. No longer will I be tucked away in the 18-23 bubble of life. The bubble where you don't necessarily have to have everything figured out. You can still talk about how life will be one day when you "grow up". Give me a can still live at home with your parents if you so choose; and that made me feel like I was ahead of the game! But now; no, no! Now is the time in my life when I transition to the 24-35 group; the "this is it, hope your happy" group! The group that I have always thought of as the true, real, authentic - LIFE! And just one short week I, Vanessa Vann, will join in!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my life and probably (when you get down to the heart of it all) wouldn't change even one thing that has happened up to now. I would keep every heartache, every championship, every scar, and every decision just as it was. It's me. And as of this very minute, the move from one bubble to another one only resting 1 cm away seems so much further than my move from Detroit to Las Vegas. I'm sure that sounds very silly, as it probably should. Yet it's this move that makes me think - this IS it! This IS the real deal! This is the time of my life where I get to do all of those things that I've labeled in that "one day" category! This is the time I get to write a book, go back to Africa, go deep sea fishing, learn to fly a kite, and essentially star in the movie of my life! If not right now...well...I can always wait for the next shift of bubbles...the one that goes from 36 to nearly 50! But it seems like way to many people wait until then to start doing what their heart has been longing to do their entire lives.

And quite frankly, I'm just not going to be one of them! So bring it on...I'm ready for the next bubble! 24-35 never looked so good! I'm ready to do the very thing that I have desired to do my entire biggest and most intimate goal is to change the world. A friend of mine asked me just the other day, "Doesn't a desire like that just weigh so heavy on your shoulders?" Absolutely not. Every journey begins with one step. I know that in order to me to move closer to that end, it means that I get to be the difference in the life of every person I meet every day. I don't have enough time to be frustrated and rude to the clerk at the grocery store, or intolerant of the way others live their lives. I don't have time to judge people or second guess the person I'm created to be. All I should have time for is loving unconditionally, seeing through a new set of eyes, pursuing intimacy, and living life with my palms wide open - resources on my finger tips - ready to roll my sleeves up and jump in! I believe this bubble may just be the right size for me right now after all.

And...I believe there may be enough room in there for one more, if your interested...

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that every has." - Margaret Mead

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