Tuesday, November 16, 2010

On the possibilities...

Faithful Friends and Family!

THANK YOU barely seems like the appropriate words for the embarrassing amount of encouragement I’ve receive from you over the past few weeks! I’ve been overwhelmed with care packages, encouragement, and unceasing prayers. After speaking at a Women’s Breakfast a few weeks ago, I realized just what an opportunity I have been given. It was after I was finished speaking and sharing my heart with the women that I saw a miracle take place in the room before me as women shared with tears in their eyes that they too are fighting a battle. An amazing young woman in the room shared the same physical battle of cancer with me, yet I realized just how big the giants that each of us are up against on a daily basis truly are. Gathered around one another in prayer, I watched God take this challenge in my life and transform it into a platform to change the “what is” in our lives into the “possibility of what could be” in Christ. WOW – as I spoke the words I realized just how many moments I’ve been given as possibility!

I have never doubted the power of prayer, yet when I get to experience the fruits firsthand it always blows me away. This afternoon I received a phone call from my doctor sharing that my test results came back showing NO Leukemia and NO cancer within my lymph nodes! What a faithful God! What this means moving forward is that we will continue with the steroid treatments I’m currently on until my doctor’s appointment on December 14th to re-evaluate the progress and growth.

Thank you for your faithfulness to intercede on my behalf each and every day! I ask that as you pray for healing, that you would specifically pray for me to be a good steward of this opportunity and platform I’ve been given to shine the light into the lives of others!

With Gratitude and Love,
